Press Releases
CAIR-Texas 20th Annual Muslim Capitol Day Postponed Due to Storm
Jan 30, 2023 | Texas Press Releases

(AUSTIN, TX, 1/30/2023) – The Texas chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR-TX) today announced that its 20th annual Texas Muslim Capitol Day (TMCD), previously scheduled for Jan. 31, has been postponed due to weather conditions. A new date will be announced at a later time.
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In a statement, CAIR-Texas said:
“Due to Winter Storm Warnings across the state, and the rapidly changing forecast for worsening conditions at the Capitol, Texas Muslim Capitol Day will be postponed. We are in communication with elected officials, community leaders and partner organizations to reschedule a date for this historic event. If you have registered for TCMD, you will be contacted soon with updated information regarding the new date and details.
“We believe Allah is Best of Planners and that the safety of our community members is our sacred responsibility. Our staff and volunteers have dedicated the last few months planning this amazing event, so please join us on the new date. Texas Muslim Capitol Day is a vitally important day for our Muslim community to ensure our voices are heard and that elected officials understand our growing influence and power. It is also an amazing educational experience for our youth to speak to their elected representatives and learn about the legislative process. We pray that you will join us for the postponed Texas Muslim Capitol Day, Insha’Allah.”
Texas Muslim Capitol Day is an opportunity for Texas Muslims from across the state to visit the Capitol to have their voices heard, meet elected officials and make positive changes. This one-day event will feature a rally outside of the Capitol, meetings with elected officials, a prayer, training, and lunch. TMCD brings hundreds of diverse Muslims from across the state to participate in this program.
CONTACT: CAIR-Houston Director William White, 713-838-2247,; CAIR National Board Member John Floyd, Esq; 713-224-0101,, CAIR-Houston Outreach Coordinator Wasiq Javed,
CAIR’s mission is to protect civil rights, enhance understanding of Islam, promote justice, and empower American Muslims.
La misión de CAIR es proteger las libertades civiles, mejorar la comprensión del Islam, promover la justicia, y empoderar a los musulmanes en los Estados Unidos.
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