Press Releases
CAIR-Houston/DFW, to Join 100+ Faith Leaders and Organizations in Releasing Join Letter in Support of the Texas George Floyd Act

(Houston, TX, 4/6/21) – Tomorrow, Wednesday, April 7, the Houston and DFW chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), the nation’s largest Muslim civil rights and advocacy organization, and Faith in Texas along with faith leaders across the State of Texas will be joining in a virtual press conference in support of the Texas George Floyd Act.
More than 100 faith leaders and organizations from diverse faiths and regions of our state have signed on in support of the Texas George Floyd Act (HB 88) and all of its components.
WHEN: Wednesday, April 7, 2021, 10:30 am
WHERE: FB Live at
COALITION: The George Floyd Act is supported by a growing statewide coalition of more than 70 groups. More information about the coalition can be found at its website at
“Re-imagining safety in Texas requires boldness and a prophetic vision that sees this state as a place where all people feel safe. As an organization that walks with various individuals and communities from all faith backgrounds, we believe that every human being is born with inherent worth. Every human being should be treated with dignity even if they have an encounter with the police. The George Floyd Act gets us closer to addressing the issues that surround over-incarceration of people, particularly for non-jailable offenses. The passing of this legislation gets us closer to that prophetic vision.” – Rev. L. Robin Murray, Lead Organizer, Faith in Texas
“The George Floyd Act is long overdue for Texas and we are calling our faith leaders to join one of our State’s most important calls to action of our time by standing for justice. Now is the time for our Texas legislature to pass meaningful, common-sense laws that will hold law enforcement accountable and make our communities and their families safer. Racial profiling and brutal abuses by police are a reality that disproportionately impacts Black, Indigenous, people of color and low-income people in the state of Texas and across our nation. To work on building unity and healing, we must begin by honoring George Floyd’s memory by working in solidarity across all faiths by supporting true reform that delivers that.” Ambreen Hernandez, Director of Operations, CAIR-Houston
“Texas Impact supports the George Floyd Act because the power of the State should be used to strengthen minority communities and democratic institutions—not to protect white privilege. Our faith traditions teach that all people should have equal access, equal opportunity, and equal protection under the law because all people are created in God’s image.” Bee Moorhead, Executive Director, Texas Impact
The people of Texas need to know that many faith leaders and theologians from diverse religious traditions support The George Floyd Act. If you are an ordained member of the clergy, professional religious educator, theologian or staff member at a religious institution, please lend your name and support for The George Floyd Act and encourage your fellow faith leaders to do the same by sharing this link.
We, the undersigned clergy and religious leaders from across Texas, draw upon our personal faith and moral convictions to support the Texas George Floyd Act (H.B. No. 88).
We are leaders of various Texas faith communities who have walked with thousands of people through life’s glory, tragedy, and mistakes. Some of the people with whom we have ministered have been harassed or threatened by police; others have had family members killed during an interaction with police. We have mourned senseless deaths at the hands of law enforcement. We have stood in solidarity, hearts to hearts, with families affected by these losses.
George Floyd’s murder by Minneapolis police awakened many of us the simple fact that Black men and women have justified reasons to live in fear for their lives because of the way policing works in America and Texas. Spouses are afraid for their husbands. Black parents are afraid for their sons and daughters. Black grandparents are afraid for their grandsons.
As people of faith, we yearn for peace. But peace demands righteousness and justice. We stand united in the belief that this moment, and George Floyd’s death, demands meaningful police reform. In this critical moment, we are called to address our policing culture at the very roots, not only for the Black community, or even the community as a whole but for police officers as well.
The Texas George Floyd Act is a strong bill and a good first step towards addressing the injustice that George Floyd experienced at the hands of police and that many Texans experience every day. It is about correcting things that we know are wrong. It is about safety for all people. It is about peace, justice, strong communities and safe neighborhoods.
Our belief in the value and protection of all people are grounded in our religious principles. We believe that this means embracing the Texas George Floyd Act.
Supporting Individuals and Local Organizations
Gerald Frank | Catholic Priest |
Carl F. Hunter II, M.Div | African Methodist Episcopal Church |
Rabbi Joshua R. S. Fixler | Rabbi — Congregation Emanu El, Houston |
Imam Dr. Omar Suleiman | Valley Ranch Islamic Center |
Joy Anderson | First United Methodist Church, Richardson, Texas |
Rabbi David Segal | Texas Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism |
Nancy Kasten | Faith Commons/Reform Rabbi/Chief Relationship Officer |
Collin Packer | Greenville Oaks Church of Christ/Lead Minister |
Rabbi Dan Gordon | Temple Beth Torah |
Roderick McNeely | President BBAM Foundation |
Rabbi Shaul Osadchey | Jewish |
Amy W Moore | PC(USA). Reverend |
Albert Phillipp | San Felipe de Jesus Catholic Church volunteer |
Rev. Mark Skrabacz | First Unitarian Universalist Church/Unitarian Universalist/ Minister |
Rev. Chuck Freeman | Texas Unitarian Universalist Justice Ministry Executive Director |
Addae Kraba | Minister of Unitarian Universalist New Braunfels |
Rev. Erin Walter | Wildflower Church, affiliated community minister |
Rev. Dr. Colin Bossen | Senior Minister, First Unitarian Universalist Church of Houston |
Kate McCarty | San Marcos Universal Unitarian Fellowship |
Catherine Vance | Bay Area UU Church |
Sonja Miller | Texas Freedom Network/Outreach and Faith Director |
Carrie Holley-Hurt | First UU Church of Austin Social Action Chair |
Carmen Rumbaut | Live Oak Unitarian Universalist |
Carol Burrus | First Unitarian Universalist Church of Houston- Director of Religious Community |
Alex Keimig | Family Ministry Coordinator with First Unitarian Universalist Church of Houston |
Rev. D. Scott Cooper | Assistant Minister of Congregational Life, First Unitarian Universalist Church of Houston |
Rev. Dan King | Minister Emeritus, First UU Church of Houston |
Anthony O’Connor | catholic |
Chris Jimmerson | First Unitarian Universalist Church of Austin/Minister for Program Development |
Rev. Meg Barnhouse | First Unitarian Universalist Church of Austin |
Judy McClenaghan | A Course in Miracles |
Pamela L. Johnson MD | The Brazos Unitarian Universalist Church, Chair Ministry for Social Justice and the Environment |
Sarah Prickett | Minister, Northwoods Unitarian Universalist Church |
Syed Farhat Abbas | Resident Scholar |
Bruce Wilson | Episcopal Priest |
Jeff Boxell | Bay Area UU Church Service and Justice Ministry lead |
Rev. Christina Hockmman | Unitarian Universalist Church of Corpus Christi |
Jack Youngkin | Texas UU Justice Ministry/Board of Directors |
Rabbi Oren Hayon | Congregation Emanu El |
Joel Woiton | Texas Unitarian Universalist Justice Ministry |
Pamela Silk | Congregation Emanu El/Jewish/Rabbi |
Rev. Phillip Dieke | White Rock UMC – Associate Pastor |
Dan De Leon | Friends Congregational Church, United Church of Christ |
Sylvester Smith,Jr. | New Zion Missionary Baptist Church |
Rev. Dr. Elizabeth K Nash | Association Minister, Heart of Texas Association, United Church of Christ, |
Kimberly Herzog Cohen | Temple Emanu-El |
Lisa Stahl | Rev. United Church of Christ |
Rabbi Alan Freedman | Temple Beth Shalom |
Travis Meier | Peace Lutheran Church, College Station, TX |
Sam Hill III | North Bryan New Birth Baptist Church/Pastor |
Chelsea McCutchin | Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)/ Minister of Education and Community Engagement |
Jerry Carpenter | United Church of Christ |
Rev. Manda Adams | First Community Church/ UCC/ Pastor |
Rev. Amelia Fulbright | University Baptist Church |
Rev. Thomas McCracken | Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) |
Rev Dr Mary Wilson | The United Church of Christ |
Pastor Jerry Wirtley | ELCA Campus Ministry to the Brazos Valley |
Rev Charles Stark | Retired UCC Clergy |
Rev. Dr. Sid Hall, III | Trinity Church of Austin/UCC & UMC/Lead Minister |
Sheri Allen | Cantor |
Al Giles | Spiritual follower |
Rev. Dr. Russell W. Dalton | Brite Divinity School |
Deborah Simon | |
Rev. Donna Renfro | Unitarian Universalist minister -Self Employed |
Nancy Mossman | Elder of Río Texas Conference of the United Methodist Church |
Carolyn Nieland | Cigna |
Thomas L. Nieland | UUFHC |
Eleanor Colvin | First UMC College Station — Pastor |
Jo Hudson | United Church of Christ |
Cecilia Lynn Johnson | |
Caren Edelstein | National Council of Jewish Women |
The Rev. Lacy Largent | Priest, St. Francis Episcopal Church |
The Rev Dr Edward J Kern | Pastor, Trinity Lutheran Church (ELCA) |
Rev Dr. Neil Thomas | Cathedral of Hope United Church of Christ |
Rev. Kate McGee | Presbyterian Pastor |
Rev. Michelle LaGrave | Emerson UU Church |
Rev. LyAnna Johnson | Life in the City UMC/Lead Pastor |
Rabbi Nancy Kasten | Faith Commons |
Daniel Utley | Rabbi, Temple Emanu-El |
Wally Butts | Pastor, UMC |
Rev Laurie Anderson | Midway Hills Christian Church, Senior Minister |
Cathy Sweeney | Assoc Pastor, Arapaho United Methodist Church |
Rev Karen Fry | Center for Spiritual Living Dallas/ Centers for Spiritual Living / Co- Spiritual Director |
Ayman Kabire | Islamic Society of Greater Houston/Board Member/President/ |
Stacey D. Brown | Elev8 Movement |
Imam F. Qasim ibn Ali Khan | Masjid At-Tawhid / Imam & Director |
Imam Daniel Hernandez | ISGH- Pearland Islamic Center |
Eugene W. Farooq | Masjid Warithuddeen Mohammed |
Marv Knox | Fellowship Southwest |
Emma Davis | Texas Impact |
Almas Muscatwalla | Faith Forward Dallas @ Thanks-Giving Square |
Rev. Phillip Dieke | White Rock UMC – Associate Pastor |
Rev. Eric Folkerth | Kessler Park UMC |
Rev. Eric Folkerth | Kessler Park UMC |
Michael Seifert | Reverend (retired) |
Joyce Hamilton | Ruling Elder, Treasure Hills Presbyterian Church |
Cindy Andrade Johnson | Methodist Deaconess |
Julie Smith | UMC Deaconess |
Brian Lightner | Christian Methodist Episcopal (C.M.E.) Church |
Cindy Samuelsen | Preston Hollow Presbyterian, elder |
Renee Hayes | United Methodist |
Anthony oconnor | San felipe |
Rev. Lydia Muñoz | Swarthmore United Methodist Church – Lead Pastor |
Ann Cass | Proyecto Azteca |
Donna l Burkhart | United Methodist Women |
CAIR is America’s largest Muslim civil liberties and advocacy organization. Its mission is to enhance understanding of Islam, protect civil rights, promote justice, and empower American Muslims.
Faith in Texas is a multi-faith, multi-racial grassroots organization that unites people and communities of faith to address the systemic racial injustices that plague our communities. One of the common tenets that threads through the diversity of our faith traditions is being accountable for affirming and protecting the inherent dignity held by all people. In part, it is the failure of that same tenet in our systems, anchored in racial prejudices, that allowed the lives of George Floyd and countless other Texans to be devastated and ultimately stolen. We need interventions across the state that address current pathways for law enforcement officers to be free of accountability when they cause harm. The George Floyd Act seeks to begin that long march towards valuing and protecting all people.
Texas Impact is a non profit that exists to put faith into action. They equip faith leaders and their congregations with information and opportunities, and outreach tools to educate their communities and engage with lawmakers on pressing public policy issues.
Ambreen Hernandez, CAIR-Houston, 973-495-0976
Rev. Robin Murray, Faith in Texas,
Bee Moorehead, Texas Impact, 512-472-3903